Ruby 308



'Football Teams'


As grassroots sports, like football, are returning as we come out of lockdown perhaps you could rediscover sports you enjoy or you could join a local football team. Visit to find a football team you could join locally. I’ve recently started training with a team - I’m really enjoying it. I went in not knowing anyone but everyone welcomed me and were really friendly. I can’t wait to carry on improving. 


Why do we support a team?

I think the majority of people follow in the footsteps of their family when supporting a team unless we particularly like another team. I support West Ham. Following a football team may bring a sense of excitement, emotional highs, lows and the element of the unknown!


Great ways to support teams

You can support your team by singing chants, going to watch them or buying their merchandise. You can get creative and think of your own ways of supporting your team. I did a tour of the London Stadium and it was excellent walking around the behind the scenes places like the tunnel, dressing room and pitch side; it’s definitely worth doing. It can work out expensive watching a premium team every week but why not keep it local and watch teams over the park or follow it shows boys and girls football teams you could watch and shows you position tables and results.


Due to Covid- 19 fans haven’t been able to watch in the stadiums but some stadiums are allowing some fans back. I remember my first game, I was five years old and it was at Upton Park. West Ham played Manchester City and won 2-1; from that moment I was hooked. I have been a lot of times since it is a great way of supporting your team and having a day out with friends and family. 

I love to keep up to date with all the latest football news and my team. West Ham are doing really well at the moment. This Saturday, 5th December it will be the first time fans can watch again and we are playing Manchester United. COME ON YOU IRONS!


"Keep Kicking!"

Ruby XxIMG 6191



'Sporting Heroes'


Most of us have a person or people we aspire to. Personally I like Declan Rice because when he got rejected from Chelsea at the age of fourteen he never gave up, he carried on and joined West Ham. Now, at the age of twenty one years old he is team captain for West Ham and regularly plays football for England. This shows that although he got rejected, if we don't give up and believe in ourselves we can achieve greater things.


Sporting heroes are more than just sports stars they're an inspiration. They all start off like us with a dream that they work extremely hard to achieve and like Declan they have knock backs! But it is how we deal with them that make us the people we are. We learn from our mistakes. Sometimes we have to pick ourselves up and push ourselves even harder to be the best we can be.


Who is your sporting hero? Who or what is your inspiration?

In the words of Mo Farah ( November 2020 ITV I'm a Celebrity)

" Doesn't matter what colour, language, religion, sport will bring people together "


If it wasn't for sport his life may have taken a different path. That's why sport is so important in our lives to give us focus and drive or even if its just for fun! Mo Farah is an inspiration with his enthusiasm, determination, his passion for sport and his will to win.


"Never give up, be inspired!"

Ruby XxIMG 6191


Email Announcement


Hi All!


Parliament Hill may be postponed this year but don’t worry! We still have LYG Virtual Cross Country to keep us going through Lockdown 2.0.


Starts 21st November and you have until 6th December to complete your run & submit your score.


Visit the LYG website for all of the details:


Submit your scores on the LYG website and let’s get running for Havering!


Let me know if you have any questions! Can’t wait to see the scores coming in!


Please share on social media and tag us @haveringlyg!



Go Havering!!


Facebook Recruitment Drive 2



Ruby Ep6


'Virtual Cross Country'



I really enjoy running. Recently at school I did a twelve minute run in PE. For my age group, eleven years old, we're supposed to aim for six minutes of continuous movement, try it and see if you can manage it and run the whole six minutes or more, each time try to beat your previous time.

LYG Cross Country

Last year I took part in LYG Cross Country and was part of team Havering. This year due to Covid restrictions London Youth Games are hosting a virtual cross country from 21st November - 6th December 2020. It's split into age groups. Points are scored for participation and performance. Simply run your distance and submit your time to score points, it's that simple to take part. Follow on Instagram @haveringlyg and @ldnyouthgames

You can find more information at

Go Havering!


What's running good for?

It's fun to run! Running can improve your physical and mental well being, reduce stress levels and help reduce long term illnesses.


Getting Active

Try to visit your local park and go for a jog or a brisk walk. Running on a crisp winter afternoon can invigorate your senses as much as a glorious summer morning, why not try it with a friend or family member you can give each other encouragement.  

Before Covid you could take part in your local Park Run, 5k, 10k runs and more ( it's free to join, you can run at your own pace plus your times are recorded and published weekly, hopefully the local park runs will be open again soon.  

If you're a beginner visit the NHS website and the Couch to 5K app on App Store or Google Play, you can build up gradually and run up to 5k in no time. 

"Try it, you might like it!"

Ruby XxIMG 6191

ruby ep5


'Changing Seasons'



We have been in the autumn season since September. The leaves have turned from green to red, orange, yellow and brown, have you seen any autumn leaves yet? I have. Have you seen any conkers? There are lots of fun things you can do outside, autumn is definitely the season for collecting lots of lovely things on an outdoor walk. Perhaps you could try creating a picture with the leaves, a door wreath or even a bookmark. For more fun ideas visit the website  

or to find your nearest park and open spaces or discover one in the borough that you may not have visited before. (Ask an adult first before using the internet) 

I don't know if it's a myth but conkers inside your home are supposed to keep spiders away!



The clocks changing

Since the clocks changed recently I've noticed how dark it's getting earlier and earlier.

Why do the clocks change?

An American politician and inventor named Benjamin Franklin thought of this idea in Paris in 1784. He thought it would save more daylight and lights. Now you know why the clocks change!



All change please

On Thursday 5th November the whole country went into a second national lockdown.

How are you feeling about the lockdown? I’m glad school is open as I get to do my school work and catch up with my friends but sadly no dance lessons or football training, so I’ll go out for a few bike rides and even a kick about in my local park. Make sure that you always have something positive to look forward to. That might be something small, like reading a new book or something bigger, planning Christmas activities or perhaps even a quiz with family and friends on Zoom. 

Whatever you choose, it just needs to be something that makes you feel good. For me that’ll be watching my favourite programme, baking, school or going on adventures in parks.

But hold on to hope and to glimmers of positivity: we made it through one lockdown and we can absolutely get through another. 



Let’s go outside

Aww, the wonderful outdoors. Whilst most of us are staying at home it’s also important to get some fresh air if you can. Whether you prefer a brisk walk or a sightseeing bike ride you should try to do this to improve your mental health and wellbeing. There are many parks in Havering where you can enjoy the beauty of the season. I like Langtons where there is a lake, plants, wildlife, wooden playground and even a wooden bridge (that's fun to try on your bike!) 

Dagnam park with wildlife which includes freely roaming deers; Hornchurch Country park with lots of open green space and bike trails; Harrow Lodge with a boating lake; Bedfords park which has many woodland walks and Hylands Park with tennis and basketball courts.

Don't forget to look out for the autumn leaves and spiders!



"Have fun, explore and enjoy"

 “We can do this”

Ruby XxIMG 6191
