Everyone Active Swimming
Hi everyone, it's me Ruby. I managed to experience another event in the newly refurbished Harrow Lodge leisure centre; this time I thought I would try swimming.
Upon arrival, I walked into the freshly decorated changing rooms there was separate facilities for group or family changing. In my opinion the changing rooms were extremely big and the space for showers was expanded, there was access to hairdryers to use after swimming and sauna and steam rooms nearby.
When I walked into the main pool area there was a teaching pool on the right-hand side, which was 0.9 metres at the time but can reach up to a depth of 4 metres because you can dive in that pool. Meanwhile, on the left of this pool was a public pool, where you can book privately to experience swimming lessons with others who enjoy your same interest. You can also book into the main pool and choose your correct speed lane whether it is slow, medium, or fast to practise swimming your lengths to improve.
I would like to try the diving boards. Diving can help with breathing techniques because of the amount of air consumption you inhale to absorb more oxygen and can reduce your heart rate with the cardio and strength training, which burns calories.
There are many benefits of swimming which can improve your overall health and fitness, such as keeping your heart rate up, improve sleep, build endurance and stamina, which you can use for long distance running, muscle strength and is part of cardio fitness. I think you should visit the swimming section of Harrow Lodge because this sport will help improve your overall fitness and it’s fun!
Also, you can teach someone to swim as they can start in the teaching pool before swimming in the main public pool.
Free swimming for children and young adults in Havering is available until summer 2022 visit: https://www.havering.gov.uk/news/article/984/free_swimming_launches_for_school_aged_children
"Swim like a shark!"
Ruby Xx
Ruby's verdict: 9/10
Overall experience: Enjoyable if you want to perhaps race each other to see who can do the most lengths in the least amount of time or to practise yourself. I found it really cool how as a part of the teaching pool the floor can sink to a lower measurement and manage to lift for when the times of sessions change (diving or teaching).
Price:https://joinonline.everyoneactive.com/lessons This provides you with times of available bookings and prices for adults or children a month depending how long you want your session to last.
Fun factor: Great for learning to swim and trying different activities like diving.
Contact: https://profile.everyoneactive.com/login