When I grow up
Hi everyone, it's me Ruby. Lockdown has given me lots of time to think about the future so I made a fact file about myself. The good thing about your own fact file is that you can always edit it, see how you've grown and changed throughout your life. For example, you can record your opinions, thoughts and feelings a bit like a diary.
When I grow up, I would like to be a footballer. If not, perhaps a runner, teacher, singer, dancer, accountant, chef or PE teacher, the possibilities are endless. What would you like to be or do?
Leading up to your career, you can set yourself goals and create opportunities for yourself to shine.
Due to experiences, you can change your mind about what you think your job could or would be. By creating a fact file or diary you can write information down. It would be great to look back on your file, see how you've grown, remember what you're good at to help inspire you to decide on what to do. I'm enjoying secondary school as you have the choice to study many more subjects.
If you are unsure of what you want to be when you're older, you will discover your role. "Open the door for yourself, it is waiting for you; when you are ready."
"Don't worry if you make mistakes. Learning from them is what counts."
Ruby Xx